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Fundraising Efforts

Our current truck has served us well. Purchased with the gracious donations of the community in 2000, it is nearing the end of its useful life as technologies change. The availability of portable cordless tools and the need to hold more options for scenarios such as electric vehicle extrications has us raising money for a new purpose built truck. 


Our three year goal is to raise $500,000 to purchase and outfit a new truck. We will be holding fundraising events such as our Beef On A Bun dinner and dance, and appealing to the public while applying for available grants. 


Follow this page to see how we are doing in our efforts to better serve our communities.

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January 2024:

Nearing Milestone #3


With extremely generous donations from the Shuswap Brewers Fest and the Eagle Bay Community Association, as well as private donors and successful grant applications, we are now sitting just below $140,000. Our second annual Beef on a Bun Fundraiser is set for March 8th, so look for us there for more opportunities to help us reach our goal!


May 2023:

Milestone #1 has been reached!


Our first annual Beef On A Bun dinner and dance night, sponsored and organized by Fair Realty, was a resounding success due to the efforts of Jayson Tracey and his crew. We cannot thank them enough for their contributions to our campaign.


The truck is starting to be filled and we are off and running on our way to a new truck.

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